
Outcome-Based Programs Serve More People

Service provided by PEI programs are evidence-based and promising practices. This means they rely on the best available research, professional expertise, and input from youth and families to deliver services that have been shown to be effective.

In FY 2019, PEI served 48,391 youth and 10,356 families through evidence-based home visiting programs, parent education, counseling, and support services. This is an increase from the 47,013 youth and 9.369 families served in FY 2018.

Nearly all (99.65 percent) of children and youth remained safe while enrolled in PEI services, and their parents who were at risk of child abuse and neglect did not become confirmed perpetrators in a DFPS abuse or neglect investigation. PEI prevention programs also provided mentoring, youth leadership development, recreational activities, and youth-based curriculum to prevent delinquency for 48,391 youth.    

  • 96.4% of youth between ages 10 and 16 who were served by PEI-funded programs did not enter the juvenile justice system in FY 2019 (STAR, SYSN, & CYD).
  • 99.65% of parents who were served and at risk of child abuse or neglect did not become confirmed perpetrators in a DFPS abuse or neglect investigation during FY 2019.

Serving the Most Vulnerable

HB 1549, passed by the 85th Texas Legislature, required PEI to develop a growth strategy to gradually increase the number of families receiving PEI services each year. PEI contracted with Population Health at The University of Texas Health Science Center Tyler (UTHSCT) to develop a series of tools to achieve this goal. These tools use risk-mapping and geographically-based risk and resiliency models to illustrate the distribution of maltreatment rates in the state by zip code. The project produced community maltreatment risk maps in FY 2019, giving PEI powerful new tools to identify and allocate resources in communities with the highest need and help families before they are in crisis.

Using the new risk maps as guidance and funding increases by the 86th Texas Legislature, PEI expand two programs in FY 2019: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention and Early Support and the Texas Nurse Family Partnership.