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Letter to Faith-based Partners

Faith-Based logo - child with starDear Faith-based Partner,

We believe that religious institutions, because of their broad base, deep historical roots, and accessibility to children, family neighborhood, and community, often possess a unique capacity to promote adoption and foster care and get the message out that both adoptive and foster families are desperately needed.

To that end, we believe that together with the churches we can obtain the needed adoptive and foster care families we need to nurture and support children and their families in crises.

The DFPS Faith-Based Program is a unique collaboration between Texas' faith-based communities and the Department of Family and Protective Services to find loving homes for children who have come into the state's care due to abuse and neglect. The goal of the program is to recruit and license as foster parents at least two families from each participating congregation. Additionally, each congregation will have the opportunity to develop supportive services for their foster families.

Please print the mini-posters found in the Print and Media Tools section and place in a prominent place or publish the messages found in the "How to Get Involved" section in your church bulletin.

Thank you.

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