Child Protective Services Handbook Revision January 24, 2012

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on January 24, 2012. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Ensuring Educational Stability (PATS 3757)

The items below are revised to bring policy into compliance with the Fostering Connections Act.

4100 The Role of DFPS and the Caseworker in Ensuring Education Stability

4110 The Role of the Caseworker in Ensuring Education Stability

4111 School Readiness Programs

4310 Prompt Enrollment in School After Removal From the Home

4370 Developing, Maintaining, and Documenting the Education Portfolio

4371 Creating the Education Portfolio

4372 Delivering the Education Portfolio to the Child’s Caregiver

The outdated appendix below is removed:

Appendix 6532: Educational Planning for Children with Disabilities