Child Protective Services

Handbook Revision, April 2015

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on April 1, 2015. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

CPS wants to ensure that the general public understands what critical actions caseworkers are required to perform and why. To further this understanding, CPS has set up a policy e-mail box for the general public: Please feel free to contact us, via this email address, with any general questions related to policy.

For questions or concerns regarding specific cases, please contact the caseworker or supervisor, or the Office of Consumer Affairs at 1-800-720-7777.

Required Contacts (PATS 7987)

The item below is revised to clarify the actions caseworkers must take during PCSP-related contacts. See:

3215 Required Contacts

Merging Investigations; Timeframes for Completing Safety Assessments and Reassessments (PATS 7967)

CPS added language to support the release of the Structured Decision Making (SDM) Safety Assessment. The SDM model was developed by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency and implemented by child protection agencies in several states. The Safety Assessment is one of the instruments that assist staff in developing an objective, uniform and organized assessment of a child’s safety in the household and identify appropriate services.


2260 Adding to or Merging an Investigation

2271 Time Frames for Completing a Safety Assessment or Reassessment