Statewide Intake

Handbook Revision, June 2015

This revision of the Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on June 1, 2015. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Save and Submit for Approval

Locating Information

IMPACT Downtime section

Project HIP

Identification of a Principal in a CPS Intake

Save and Submit for Approval (PATS 8132)

The purpose of this revision is to remove outdated procedures in section 3433 Save and Submit for Approval.


3433 Save and Submit for Approval

Locating Information (PATS 7902)

Adding that contact information on the AP and other principals is a viable source for locating a family when an investigation is warranted.


3133 Locating Information Section

IMPACT Downtime section (PATS 8042)

Removal of outdated procedures and entry of new and more general statement about IMPACT downtime.


3800 IMPACT Downtime

The following items have been deleted:

3810 When IMPACT Is Down but the Internet Is Accessible

3811 Entering Downtime e-Reports When IMPACT Is Back Up

3820 When IMPACT and the Internet Are Down but MS Downtime Templates Are Accessible

3821 Accessing MS Word

3822 Completing MS Word Forms

3823 Printing MS Word Forms

3824 Naming and Saving MS Word Forms

3830 When the DFPS Computer System Is Unavailable

3840 Entering MS Word or Handwritten Downtime Reports When IMPACT Is Back Up

3841 Determining Whether a Call Has Been Entered

3842 Entering Into IMPACT

3843 Documenting the Data Entry

3844 Filing the Printed Report

3850 Locating On-Call Information When IMPACT Is Down

Project HIP (PATS 8052)

The purpose of this revision is to update SWI Handbook Section 2200 to include explanation of HIP Project, which will be located in the newly created 2230 Project HIP (Helping through Intervention and Prevention).


2230 Project HIP (Helping through Intervention and Prevention)

Identification of a Principal in a CPS Intake (PATS 8053)

The purpose of this revision is to update the language in Section 4920, as well as clarify who is a Principal in a CPS intake.


4920 Person List

4921 Role of Victim/Perpetrator

4922 Person Relationship/Interest (Rel/Int)