Handbook Revision, December 1, 2022

This revision of the Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on December 1, 2022. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Processing DCI Intakes (PATS 13746)

In the recent update to the SWI Handbook section 8610, a step was left out regarding processing an Unregulated Child Day Care Operation.  The intake specialist must select a "facility type" as well as a "resource type" in order to process the intake. This edit is to correct that. Additionally, a correction to the Administering Medications section has been made to bring the policy into alignment with other policy.


8600 Processing DCI Intakes

8610 Resource Section

8620 Case Name Field


8730 Administering Medications

CRSRs and Related Issues (PATS 13814)

Reorganization of text for clarity of information. Put all CRSR types in one location.


3120 I&R to Existing Case

3121 Specific Considerations for an I&R to Existing Case


4710 Incidents Involving Abuse or Neglect Out of State

4711 Request for Home Visits or Courtesy Interviews from Out of State Caseworker


4800 CPI Case-Related Special Requests

4810 Requirements for CRSRs

4820 Types of Case-Related Special Requests (CRSRs) Entered by SWI

4821 CRSR – Request for Local Public Service (C-PB)

4822 CRSR – Out of State (C-OS)


5800 APS Case-Related Special Requests (CRSR)

New IMPACT Disaster Relief Code Intakes (PATS 13819)

This is an update to the SWI Handbook to explain the disaster relief code 911. This code was added to IMPACT for tracking SWI contact with law enforcement.


2610 Disaster Relief Codes

Replacing Internal Q&A Webpage (PATS 13834)

SWI is removing the Q&A webpage from the internal DFPS Safety Net. Where needed, information is being added to the SWI handbook to provide correct instruction or information. Edits are very small.


2121 Professional Reporters


2200 Person List


2220 Addresses

2230 Phone Numbers


2270 Demographics


3422 Texas Law Enforcement Requests Case History


4580 Motorized Motor Vehicles (Including ATVs)

UTC Case with Red Sunburst (PATS 13847)

Clarification of what the red sunburst means and how it is used to determine the next actions the intake specialist takes when it appears in case history.


4310 Priority 1 (P1)


4611 UTC Case with a Red Sunburst

4611.1 UTC Procedures

Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of an Unaccompanied Alien Child (PATS 13848)

This handbook revision adds information about when to complete an I&R Standards Compliance for reported abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an unaccompanied alien child.


4753 Table for Investigational Jurisdiction of Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation of UAC