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Create an Account

Failed to create an account

Families need to create an account and complete a family profile in order to view the full profile information and to inquire on children or sibling groups. Refer to the User Guide for tips and guidelines on creating an account and completing a family profile.

* = Required field

Log-in Information

** Your User ID must be a minimum of 9 characters.

** Your password must contain at least 6 characters and no spaces, max of 15 characters and using at least one character from each of these categories:

  • Uppercase letters: A,B,C...Z
  • Lowercase letters: a,b,c...z
  • Numerals: 0,1,2,3...9

* Note:
Selection of other non-alphanumeric characters may not satisfy password rules, this includes non-US English standard symbols and characters.

Email Address

Please provide your email address if you prefer to be contacted via email

Account Owner's Contact Information

Mailing Address
If you are not a Texas resident, please visit the Out of State Adoption page Information to get more information on being approved to adopt in your state.
Physical Address

Security Information

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